About Me

Upper body picture of Maurice Pierce with arms folded
Maurice Pierce site author

Hello, I’m Maurice. In my mid-twenties interest in the importance of nutritious foods was inspired. Over the next 20 years, that journey grew to become a passion.

Food and nutrition slowly superseded all prior interest. Once diagnosed with an immune reaction to eating gluten; my passion for – went not so much in a new direction, but to a new level of understanding. Food and nutrition is a double edge sword.

An immune reaction to gluten freed me from conventional thinking. It opened my mind to what I never thought was possible. Processed wheat (the main staple in our western diet) is causing more harm than good.

This reality check forced me to ask myself the big question. What other accepted norms are actually causing more harm than good? This train of thought led me to the two unnatural food groups (ultra-processed and fast foods).

Expanding on the above and other means of self-poisoning was compelling and can be found throughout. When those two unnatural food groups are removed, what’s left is natural foods. That said, what’s the most important thing for someone with an immune reaction to gluten to know?

Answer – you can say goodbye to all your gluten-related health problems and not have to say goodbye to all the foods you love by eating natural foods. Well, maybe just a few and that can actually be a good thing.

But, if you continue poisoning your body, any interest in food and nutrition will be an exercise in futility. When you stop! food and nutrition becomes the most important part of your lifestyle. If you can believe this truth, the answers you seek for better health are only a few clicks away, so go for it.