Maurice Pierce October 17, 2024
Electromagnetic radiation comes from a number of sources (natural and manufactured) and travels at the speed of light. An example of natural, but not limited too, is our sun. An example of manufactured, but not limited too, are power lines and cell towers.
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) aka electromagnetic pollution can also be generated by electronic devices and electrical appliances in your home. Constant exposure to EMFs in your home is now a main health concern. Particularly because continual exposure over the long-term may contribute to or be the cause of certain health issues.
For example, studies suggest that EMF exposure may cause toothaches and other dental problems via the death of oral bacteria, trouble falling and staying asleep via inflammation in the body and erectile dysfunction via nerve damage, resulting in loss of muscle strength – just to name a few. Make the bedroom in your house or apartment an EMF-free zone.
The potential benefits in doing so, may lead to improved sleep quality, better sex life and fewer dental problems over time – to name a few. How long would it take for someone to recover from EMF exposure? Answer – that’s really impossible to say, it all depends on duration of exposure, methods of exposure and frequency of use at home, work and play.
That said, since the body can heal itself, providing oneself with some downtime on the daily can do no harm. Which brings me back to making your bedroom an EMF-free zone.
This can be done quickly and isn’t very expensive:
● Call an electrician and have the light switch in your bedroom replaced with a disconnect switch.
● Turn your phone and all other mobile devices to airplane mode before going to sleep.
● Choose a mattress without metal coils, a box under your mattress (if one is needed) without springs and a bedframe that’s not made of metal.
The metal coils, springs and frame can act as antennas amplifying EMFs.
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Maurice Pierce October 2, 2024
We don’t need a detoxification program to remove toxins from within our body. The human body carries all the instructions needed in its DNA, for how to independently cleanse itself. The only thing our body needs us to do, is stop poisoning ourselves on the daily.
This means going organic with your diet when possible, avoiding UPFs and QSR food, eating only minimally processed food and the removal of cosmetics and indoor pollutants from your living space/self as best you can. If we do our best at detoxicating these poisons from our living space/self, then your body’s potential to self-cleanse is possible.
As for our body’s outer covering, aka our skin, hair and nails, the body is equally efficient at self-cleansing these tissues. We don’t need soap to wash our bodies. A washcloth and water alone is all that’s needed to gently exfoliate (remove) pollution and dead cells from one’s body to feel clean and keep a pleasant natural scent.
Bacterial communities in the microbiome of our skin, hair and nails help protect us from some of the damaging effects of pollution, UV rays and may prevent graying of hair. Soap, no matter how it’s advertised, is still a detergent. It will breakup bacterial communities and breakdown oil on the top layer of the skin, hair and nails, leaving each tissue unprotected, dry and irritated.
Install a bath and /or shower filter to bathe with filtered water. Filtered water is free of harsh chemicals and minerals that can also dry out skin and damage hair and nails. Filtered water will leave our body’s outer covering hydrated and stronger.
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