Maurice Pierce August 1, 2024
When we consume dietary protein, our body breaks it down into amino acids. This is the end result of protein digestion. Amino acids are the building blocks of all the proteins in us (hormones, antibodies, bones, organs etc.).
Our liver produces about 80 percent of all the amino acids we need. For this reason, those amino acids are considered non-essential. The remaining 20 percent comes from a dietary source. For this reason, those amino acids are considered essential.
Food that provides all the essential amino acids our body needs is called complete protein food. Food that needs to be combined with another food in order to supply an adequate amount of all essential amino acids is called partial-protein foods.
Amino acids obtained from complete and partial-protein foods recombine in our adult stem cells in various ways (via DNA instructions) to make a multitude of different types of proteins. This process creates tailored proteins that are specific to the needs of each tissue in our body. Amino acids are required by the body (via adult stem cells) to repair tissue damage.
The DNA within adult stem cells contains all the information required for adult stem cells to replicate its DNA, reproduce, build and maintain itself (in that order). Adult stem cells can continually divide to produce daughter cells that are identical to the cells of that tissue until tissue damage is repaired. Know this, the Life Science Industry (LSI) can now transform normal cells into adult stem cells by using gene reprogramming.
A gene is made up of many short strands of DNA called a codon. There are 64 different codons: 61 represent amino acids and 3 are stop signals used to terminate protein production. With all of the above in mind and then some, once you stop poisoning your body, it can and will heal itself.
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Maurice Pierce July 17, 2024
Regeneration, by definition, is the normal bodily process of damaged tissue renewal before irreversible degeneration can happen. A tissue is a group of cells that make up a specific body part. Tissue regeneration is possible because of adult stem cells found in the tissue of most body parts.
Adult stem cells are tissue specific stem cells. They have the ability to regenerate all the cell types of the tissue from which they originate. Adult stem cells divide to create new cells to replace the damaged ones.
They may be able to self-renew indefinitely. When not needed or self-renewing, adult stem cells can also hibernate. This fact, makes adult stem cells a clear and present threat to the global Life Science industry (LSI) trillion dollar plus drug market.
Regeneration and inflammation are two sides of the same coin, because inflammation is a basic part of the body’s healing process. We have no choice but to endure the pain of inflammation if regeneration is to work. This is the method to the madness our body employs to recognize cell injury and then replace it with anew. IMO, numbing the pain of inflammation will disrupt the regeneration process.
That said, inflammation is not always a good thing. When it becomes chronic as a result of a toxic lifestyle, inflammation will only serve to damage body tissue. Chronic inflammation resulting from scheduled dosing of toxic LSI drugs may also disrupt the body’s regenerative ability.
Between each dosage, our bodies are forced to accept a time constraint on the renewal of damaged tissue. IMO, placing a time constraint on our body’s regenerative process just won’t end well for us. You see, tissue destruction via chronic inflammation occurs faster than cell regeneration.
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